Will Rollins Condemns Ken Calvert’s Vote to Defund LGBTQ Services

Rep. Ken Calvert, Calif.-41, is coming under fire for targeting vulnerable LGBTQ+ communities across the country. Calvert joined other MAGA extremists on the House Appropriations committee and voted to cut numerous projects that would provide housing and services to the LGBTQ+ community.

The funding in question would have supported community centers, transitional housing, and senior housing services.

This bigoted attack on the LGBTQ+ community across the country is an absolutely despicable, discriminatory effort to strip funding for projects that would support some of our nation’s most vulnerable communities. Calvert will be held accountable by Californians for his hatred and intolerance, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said in a statement.

“Calvert’s attack on the LGBTQ+ community is as hateful as it is wildly out of touch with his constituents,” DCCC Spokesperson Viet Shelton said. “Californians want a leader who will work to build livable, welcoming and affordable places for their community, not bigots like Ken Calvert who attack our neighbors because of who they are.”

Ken Calvert Votes to Defund LGBTQ Services

Will Rollins

Will Rollins, the presumptive Democratic nominee in California’s 41st District, released the following statement in response to Rep. Ken Calvert’s vote in the Transportation-HUD Appropriations markup meeting this week. Calvert voted to strip over $3 million in funding to provide key services to LGBTQ Americans, including meals for senior citizens.

“America is not and can never be a place where the question of whether you eat depends on who you love.

“It’s unfathomable that the representative for Palm Springs – home to one of our nation’s most vibrant LGBTQ communities, including my partner Paolo and me, sold out LGBTQ seniors for cheap political points and thinks he can win the next election by telling tens of thousands of his own constituents that we don’t deserve equal access to food banks and job counseling.

“Targeting vulnerable LGTBQ folks might help rile up a far-right fundraising base, but it sure as hell doesn’t make the 91 freeway any less congested in Corona.”

“Government is about priorities. Most of us in this district – Republicans and Democrats alike – want pragmatic, smart leaders focused on solving real problems. Targeting vulnerable LGTBQ folks might help rile up a far-right fundraising base, but it sure as hell doesn’t make the 91 freeway any less congested in Corona.

“Ken’s bigoted, misguided vote is not only a stark reminder of why we need to expand LGBTQ representation in Congress, but also why we need a new generation of leaders focused on the right priorities – instead of culture wars – here in Riverside County.”

Image Sources

  • Will Rollins: Will Rollins campaign
  • Ken Calvert: Ken Calvert