Experienced federal prosecutor Rollins seen as the right choice for our communities


May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023

Coby Eiss
[email protected]


Organizational Support Adds to Rollins’ Impressive Set of Day One Individual Endorsers

CORONA, C.A. — Today, four national organizations on the frontlines of protecting our democracy and civil rights are endorsing Democrat Will Rollins for California’s 41st Congressional District.

The endorsements come from Democrats Serve, Equality PAC, New Politics, and Voter Protection Project.

“Our democracy and our civil rights are worth fighting for, and I’m honored that these important organizations are backing our growing campaign,” said Rollins. “The threats to our democracy that first led me to run for public office still loom large, and when in Congress, I look forward to working with these organizations to do the same thing I’ve done throughout my career as a federal prosecutor: protect you and your family from hate, extremism, and corruption.”

Here’s what the endorsing organizations had to say about Rollins and his campaign:

“Will Rollins knows public service,” said Brett Broesder, Executive Director of Democrats Serve. “As a federal prosecutor, he worked tirelessly to keep Riverside County families safe. He’ll continue leading the charge in Congress to keep our communities safe and secure. That’s why Democrats Serve is proud to support Will Rollins’s congressional bid in California’s 41st District.”

“We were proud to stand behind Will and his campaign in 2022 and we are excited that he is running again to defeat Ken Calvert and flip this seat,” said Jeff Larivee, Executive Director of Equality PAC. “Last cycle, few people thought Will had a chance, but through his hard work and determination, he defied the odds, coming within just a few points of knocking off a veteran House Republican. We are confident that with Will running again, we can — and will — win this seat and send someone to Congress that will support full equality for LGBTQ Americans.”

“As a Federal Prosecutor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice, Will Rollins distinguished himself as a public servant who puts people over politics,” said Emily Cherniack, Founder and Executive Director of New Politics. “At a time when our democracy is facing significant challenges, we need leaders like him who are committed to protecting our institutions and fighting for a better future for every American. New Politics was thrilled to support Will’s last campaign and proudly endorse him again for Congress in California’s 41st District.”

“Ken Calvert is a dangerous election denier and deserves to be held accountable by the voters in his district. Thankfully voters in California’s 41st district have a strong candidate in Will Rollins who they can trust to fight for them and our fundamental right to vote,” said Heather Greven, Executive Director of the Voter Protection Project. “Will Rollins ran a smart campaign that resonated with voters last cycle and over-performed initial outside expectations for this seat. This time around we look forward to finishing the job and removing a dangerous and ineffective incumbent. This region will be well served by Rollins and the entire country will be gaining a critical vote in our mission to protect the ballot box and save our Democracy.”

These new endorsements come after 30 members of the California delegation endorsed Rollins on the first day of his campaign, including Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and all 3 U.S. Senate candidates. Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer also endorsed Rollins.

As Rollins prepares for a rematch against Republican Ken Calvert, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has named CA-41 as one of its initial 33 targets, and House Majority PAC has announced a $35 million battleground fund for California house seats.


Will Rollins is a Palm Springs resident and Southern California native. A former federal counterterrorism prosecutor, he is now running for Congress in California’s 41st Congressional District.

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SPECTRUM NEWS 1: Congressional candidate Will Rollins on his run for office

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