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Get to Know Will

Where Does Will Rollins Live?
Will has lived for years in Palm Springs with his partner Paolo.
Where Does Will Stand on Prop 13?
Will does not support gutting Prop 13, and has been clear that he opposes any tax increase on the middle class. He’ll instead fight for a middle class tax cut by expanding the Child Tax Credit, and to ensure the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share.

Will opposes changes to Prop 13 that impact homeowners. We have an urgent need to reduce housing costs, particularly for seniors so they can continue to afford living in our community long into their retirement.

Where Does Will Stand on Other Tax Issues and the Economy?
Will has criticized the Trump Tax Bill for raising taxes on California homeowners and giving massive tax giveaways to the rich and large corporations.

When it expires after next year, he will replace the Trump Tax Bill with tax policy that cuts, not raises, taxes for the Middle Class and ensures the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share. He has been clear that he will vote against any effort to raise middle class taxes – unlike Ken Calvert who passed a tax increase on California homeowners.

What is Will’s Prosecutorial Record?
As a federal prosecutor, Will had a 99% conviction rate. He is a career prosecutor and law enforcement official who has spent his life working to keep Californians safe. Rollins is a former federal prosecutor, who as an assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuted violent criminals, drug traffickers, sex offenders, and fraudsters. He then joined the Terrorism and Export Crimes Section of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division where he prosecuted a domestic terrorist, individuals illegally helping the Iranian and Chinese militaries, and January 6th insurrectionists.

In Congress, Rollins will use his experience as a terrorism and national security prosecutor to fight back against the extremism that has taken over Washington and pass real solutions that will keep our communities safe.

Over his career, Rollins has served as a prosecutor in over 100 cases, taking dozens of dangerous criminals off our streets.

For example, in 2017, Rollins helped prosecute Juan Carlos Garcia of MS-13, who was accused of distribution of methamphetamine. Rollins helped secure a guilty plea and sentence of over five years in prison.

Also in 2017, Rollins helped prosecute Jesus Raul Salazar-Espinosa, an alleged drug trafficker and distributor for the Sinaloa drug cartel headed by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. Salazar was accused of leading an L.A.-based trafficking operation for over 20 years that delivered cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and marijuana to street gangs including the Compton-based “Santana Blocc” Crips, the Long Beach-based “Insane Crips,” the Long Beach-based “Rollin’ 20s” Gang, the Mississippi-based Gangster Disciples Gang, and the Mississippi-based Vice Lords Gang. Rollins helped secure a guilty plea that put Salazar behind bars for 15 years on drug distribution and weapons charges.

After the 2020 election, Will helped prosecute some of the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and then returned home to Southern California, including Gina Bisognano. Bisognano gained notoriety as the “Beverly Hills Insurrectionist” who stood on the steps of the Capitol in Chanel boots yelling, “you are not going to take away our teddy bear!”

Where Does Will Stand on Law Enforcement Issues?
Unlike Ken Calvert, Will believes we need to full fund law enforcement. He opposes defunding the police, opposes eliminating cash bail, and supports keeping the sex offender registry.

Ken Calvert voted for an extreme plan that could cut nearly 30,000 law enforcement officers nationwide and cut funding for local police.

He’s voted to defund the FBI, cut border patrol, claimed the FBI had been infiltrated by “rot,” called for dropping charges on the January 6th insurrectionists, and most famously, was caught by police while with a prostitute in a Corona bar parking lot.

In Congress, Will will be proud to stand with those who keep our families and communities safe. That’s why he’s honored to have the support of the Palm Springs Police Officers’ Association, the former elected sheriff in Riverside County, a former police chief in Riverside County, and a bipartisan group of law enforcement, military, and national security personnel.

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