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Why I’m Running

It's time for a new leadership that brings Democrats, Republicans, and Independents together to end the chaos in Washington and deliver real results for Riverside County families.

I’m running for Congress because we deserve leadership that prioritizes the needs of you and your family, not the special interests in Washington. In office, my top three priorities will be:

  • Lowering costs on working families;
  • Expanding access to healthcare, including reproductive healthcare, and lowering prescription costs;
  • Investing in infrastructure that will also help protect the planet from the devastating effects of climate change.

Ken Calvert has been running for the House of Representatives for over 30 years. He’s the definition of a Washington career politician who’s out for himself:

  • For five straight years, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington ranked Calvert as one of the top five most corrupt members of Congress.
  • Calvert bought a dusty vacant lot in Riverside for $550,000, used his congressional power to get an earmark to secure a highway exchange nearby and increase its value, and then sold the lot for $985,000.
  • In Congress, he’s increased his net worth up to $20 million, all while reportedly being investigated by the FBI twice in connection with financial transactions.
  • In one of his first votes of the latest Congress (after voting 15 times for Kevin McCarthy for Speaker), he voted to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics.

Calvert’s always looked out for his own bottom-line, not yours:

  • Calvert voted repeatedly to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which provides healthcare for tens of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.
  • He supports allowing states to ban abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother, and voted against the right to birth control and to defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Calvert voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs, against capping the cost of insulin at $35, and against capping annual out-of-pocket expenses at $2,000 for Medicare recipients.
  • He has recently accepted campaign contributions from Marjorie Taylor Greene and other members from the Freedom Caucus, who want to drastically cut Social Security.
  • Calvert voted this year to cut funding for veterans’ health care and to defund law enforcement.
  • And he voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which made record investments in making much-needed repairs and improvements to our roads and bridges, providing clean drinking water for our communities, delivering high-speed internet for those who need it most, modernizing our public transit and expanding it into new areas, and so much more.

We need to end Calvert’s political career, and finally replace his self-service with true public service.

The stakes are too high to sit on the sidelines. The extremism and disinformation that led to January 6th originally got me into this fight — and Calvert’s continued refusal to prioritize his constituents over himself — has kept me in it.

That’s why I’m running for Congress.


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