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Championing Campaign Finance Reform

Middle-class families’ voices are being left out of the political process. Powerful special interest groups with unlimited amounts of money are undermining our democracy. Americans are tired of the partisan dysfunction and the corrupting influence of money in politics. I will work every day to stand up for working families in CA-41. Our campaign is powered by people, not corporate interests and lobbyists. This is why I am refusing corporate PAC money in this campaign.

My opponent Ken Calvert spent his career creating a tax system that punishes people who work for a living and allows the wealthiest 400 families in the United States – and many of his corporate donors – to avoid most taxes. His campaigns have raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars from the oil and gas industries and the NRA. No wonder Calvert voted against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022 – the first major gun violence prevention act signed into law in decades. He also voted against legislation that regulated online campaign ads and foreign involvement in elections – important safeguards for protecting the integrity of our elections.


  • Support pro-democracy reforms to limit the influence of dark money in elections;
  • Ban all members of Congress from trading stocks, and require elected officials to keep assets in blind trusts;
  • Strengthen criminal penalties for members of Congress and other elected officials who make stock trades or investments based on inside information;
  • Pass legislation to root out the disproportionate influence of corporations and wealthy donors in elections, including an eventual Constitutional amendment to stop the corrosive impact of Citizens United.

I look forward to fighting for real campaign finance reform in Congress and ensuring that our democracy is responsible to working families and not large corporations or special interest groups.

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