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Taking Action on Climate Change, Safeguarding Water Resources and the Environment

Climate change is an existential threat that is already damaging our health, communities, and economy. We are living through severe droughts, heat, water shortages, and more intense storms and wildfires. In Riverside County, and throughout California, two years of wet winters have provided temporary relief from drought but this water must be used efficiently to extend the supply. Record hot temperatures put many people at risk, especially those working outdoors and without access to cooling. The impact of climate change will increasingly affect tourism, construction, agriculture, and other sectors of our economy. This is why I support taking bold and decisive action on climate change.

This action isn’t just needed to protect our communities – it’s also an opportunity to create a powerful clean energy economy that will create good jobs at good wages for decades. Here in Riverside County we have abundant sunshine and clean energy potential, and we must work to make our region a global leader in clean energy production and water efficiency.

My opponent Ken Calvert has consistently voted against climate change and environmental protection legislation. He’s even suggested that climate change is a hoax. We need a representative in Congress who isn’t funded by the oil and gas industry and is willing to protect our planet.

A Clean Energy Agenda

Here are my priorities to address climate change and invest in the green economy:

  • Increase incentives to expand clean energy such as solar and wind power to significantly reduce U.S. carbon emissions;
  • Support energy efficiency programs to help families and businesses save on their electric bills;
  • Invest in better water infrastructure, conservation and management to support the needs of the Coachella Valley and Inland Empire;
  • Back policies and legislation to reduce air and water pollution, especially in disadvantaged communities that suffer the most from pollution;
  • Provide rebates to consumers to make clean energy and clean vehicles affordable and reduce overall gasoline consumption.

Green Economy Jobs

Riverside County has the opportunity to develop thousands of jobs in our expanding green energy economy. With the right tax incentives to encourage small, clean-tech businesses to start in the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley – and investment in major infrastructure projects across Riverside County – we can grow our economy, improve public transit, and protect the planet all at the same time.

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