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Expanding Affordable Housing

The Inland Empire and Riverside County should be affordable. They’re not. We are already losing too many Californians to other states because of the high cost of housing. Even worse, people are ending up on the streets and homelessness continues to be a crisis in cities throughout our region.

Corporate landlords like Ken Calvert are buying up properties and raising rents on Inland Empire residents. We need to elect new leadership that values renters and homeowners over profiteers.

I will fight for housing legislation in Congress that puts you and your family first.

  • Work to expand housing supply and increase affordability by bringing more housing onto the market through expanded federal investments that both boost construction of new housing and spur rehabilitation of existing housing.
  • Create a $25,000 federal first-time homebuyer tax credit to help Californians weather rising costs and afford a mortgage to achieve the dream of home ownership.
  • Crack down on corporate landlords taking advantage of Californians by jacking up rents and fees to make larger profits.
  • Pave the way for expanding housing supply by working with local communities to update zoning regulations and cut red tape so we can build more homes without excessive bureaucracy getting in the way.
  • End discrimination in the mortgage, home buying, and rental processes so that all Californians have an equal shot at finding an affordable place to live.
  • Fight homelessness by supporting a Housing First model that gets people off the streets and into housing with opportunities and support to rebuild their lives.

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